In my opinion, to communicate ideas, you need to master a few different skills. One of these is to draw, with pen and paper. This is a fundamental skill you need to master. REALLY. Consider one of the following scenarios. You're in a client meeting, and you need to sketch down an idea to show your client what you're thinking. The sketch you looks like something a 5-year old has done. This doesn't evoke trust, the most important thing in a business relationship. You get my point. Imagine how satisfying is would be to nail that fast and dynamic sketch in front of your client with only a ballpoint pen!!!
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One of the most useful skills you can have as an artist is the ability to sketch drawings quickly. Sometimes you may need to sketch from your imagination while other times may require you to sketch an object in front of you. Whatever the scenario, knowing how to sketch will help you become a better artist. This tutorial gives you a few techniques you can use to improve your traditional sketch skills.