Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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Wolf drawing tutorial

Wolf drawing tutorial | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it
requested tutorial on drawing wolfs realistically. CLICK DOWNLOAD TO SEE FULL VIEW!
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Nose drawing tutorial: a geometrical approach | Drawing Factory

Nose drawing tutorial: a geometrical approach | Drawing Factory | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it

Nose drawing can be a difficult skill to master due to the complexity of the nose shape. With this tutorial I will try to describe a method of defining a geometrical shape for the nose that should help notably its correct positioning on the face while maintaining correct orientation and proportion of the different parts.With this tutorial on nose drawing I am not going to enter into the anatomical detail of the nose and its inner structure but I intend to provide a quick way to rapidly block out a correctly positioned nose in a face drawn from any angle.

- See more at: http://www.drawing-factory.com/nose-drawing.html#sthash.txTsKs2B.dpuf
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