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This week the articles we curated focused on drawing and painting women across multiple mediums. We also brought you design tutorials and the secrets behind attaining effects in your painting, both physically and on your computer.
In renowned Mexican street artist Alisa Amor's article, she shared a video detailing how to attain masterful paintings with spray cans by utilizing common materials on your canvas or wall.
Brandon Spahn shared another secret behind aesthetic effects in his Photoshop tutorial. He taught us how to create a splatter paint effect with figurative works.
We also brought you a number of tutorials in drawing and representing women -- from acurately representing Wonder Woman's leg muscles to creating your own unique woman character.
Overall we're noticing a push towards unusual methods of creation in both digitial and physical artworks, along with an increased interest in representing women in art. We will keep watching these topics and you can stay updated by signing up for our scoop.