Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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Drawing and Painting Tutorials
Daily curated tips and tutorials for graphic designers, photo editors, painters, and drawing artists.
Curated by Hovhannes
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Sketching from a Manikin

Sketching from a Manikin | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it
In this heavily illustrated lesson, I show you how to sketch a human figure from a wooden manikin. Manikins are wonderful models; they don't move, require no bathroom breaks, and don't talk your ears off!
Interesting Content's insight:

A manikin is a great tool for practicing drawing the human anatomy without the hassle of trying to find someone to pose for you. This tutorial explains how you can use a manikin to sketch the proportions of the human figure.

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Guidelines for the heights of people

Guidelines for the heights of people | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it
This article discusses proportional guidelines that can
help artists render more believable and accurate figure
sketches and drawings.
Interesting Content's insight:

In this tutorial, you'll find out how to draw the different proportions for the heights of people. It explains the process of measuring heights in heads, the proportions of infants and children, and compares the proportions of adult bodies.

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