Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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Drawing and Painting Tutorials
Daily curated tips and tutorials for graphic designers, photo editors, painters, and drawing artists.
Curated by Hovhannes
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How to Draw Animals: Weasels, Stoats, Minks, Polecats and Ferrets

How to Draw Animals: Weasels, Stoats, Minks, Polecats and Ferrets | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it

This draw"Little and cute, but ferocious and deadly - meet the weasel family and learn how to draw them."

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This drawing tutorial guides you through the process of drawing animals from the Mustelidae family. More specifically, animals such as wolverines, badgers, otters and martens. You'll also discover useful tips about drawing the skeletal structure of these animals as well as composing fur.

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How to Draw Animals: Birds, Their Anatomy and How to Draw Them | Vectortuts+

How to Draw Animals: Birds, Their Anatomy and How to Draw Them | Vectortuts+ | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it
Birds are a very complex topic for an artist. They have wings (a real nightmare for beginners), all these feathers and they differ a lot among various species. In this tutorial my goal is to convince you that birds aren’t that hard to draw if only you get to know them better. If you’re interested, keep on reading!
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This comprehensive tutorial shows you how to draw a bird using anatomy guides. You'll also discover how to use the various tools in Adobe Illustrator to draw accurate pictures from scratch. This is a great tutorial for any beginner artist. Check it out!

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