Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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â–¶ How to Sketch | Drawing Tutorials - YouTube

Interesting Content's insight:

Sketching is an important skill every artist needs to master in order to create accurate drawing compositions. This video tutorial explains the tools you need to create sketches and the different techniques used in the sketching process.

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Basic Guidelines to Product Sketching

Basic Guidelines to Product Sketching | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it

Within the field of product design, ability to represent your ideas by using effective visual method such as sketching opens doors for better communication between designers and clients. Designers find that using sketching is an efficient way to speed up the process of developing ideas in the real life.

There are times where sketch can express more than words and you get an instant understanding of a concept. Sketches are useful for designers who work in groups and sketches can deliver easy and fast way to brief an idea to others.

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Fashion Sketch Class: Learn How to Sketch Fashion in 12 Easy Steps | FashionClub.com

Fashion Sketch Class: Learn How to Sketch Fashion in 12 Easy Steps | FashionClub.com | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it

FIDM's Fashion Club offers a free fashion sketch tutorial to learn how to draw the nine-head fashion figure. 

Gather your supplies. You’ll need a pencil, eraser, ruler, and sketchpad.

Sit down at your desk with the open sketchpad in front of you. Now you are ready to let your imagination take over and fill the white space with your fashion sketches! 

The natural figure is typically rendered as an 8-Headed Figure. The 9-Headed Fashion Figure is longer than the natural figure.

Throughout these sketching lessons, we will refer to your figure as a croquisCroquis is the French word for sketch and refers to a figure outline used as a basis to sketch designs on. Get to know this word!

Arusiak Kanetsyan's insight:

A fun and easy to follow tutorial on how to draw a fashion sketch. 

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