Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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Drawing and Painting Tutorials
Daily curated tips and tutorials for graphic designers, photo editors, painters, and drawing artists.
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How to Draw a Spruce Tree

How to Draw a Spruce Tree | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it

"In ten simple steps, you use squirkles to transform a single vertical line on a sheet of paper, into a drawing of a majestic spruce tree. With lots of practice using squirkles and examining spruce trees in nature, you can easily learn to sketch a tree in a couple of minutes (or less). However, you need to work your way slowly through this exercise to give yourself a chance to fully understand the process."

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This tutorial shows you how to use squirkles to draw a detailed spruce tree from scratch. Although the tutorial is fairly basic, advanced artists can use some of the techniques here to improve shading on pencil drawings.

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How to Draw an Old Tree

How to Draw an Old Tree | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it
Squirkling works perfectly for rendering diverse highly realistic drawing subjects, including many found in nature as well as several made by humans.
Interesting Content's insight:

Trees are perhaps the most commonly drawn objects in art. However, most of the time we focus on drawing trees full of life and color. This tutorial takes a detour from this trend by giving you a step by step process of drawing an old, leafless, and colorless tree. This is also a great tutorial for anyone who wants to learn about adding intricate details to pencil drawings.

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