Drawing and Painting Tutorials
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Drawing and Painting Tutorials
Daily curated tips and tutorials for graphic designers, photo editors, painters, and drawing artists.
Curated by Hovhannes
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Shading Techniques - The Basics of Shading

Shading Techniques - The Basics of Shading | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it
Interesting Content's insight:

This tutorial covers various shading techniques you can use to add depth to your pencil drawings. It covers popular techniques such as hatching, stippling and blending. 

Mikołaj Treumann's curator insight, November 20, 2019 3:58 PM
Bardziej zaawansowane cieniowanie ładnie ukazuje cienie na okrągłym obiekcie dość często stosowanym w grafice projektowej

Bird Nest Acrylic Painting Tutorial

"Artist Angela Anderson shares tips for creating your own bird nest painting using acrylics. This project is for beginning painters, both adults and children. Educators, please feel free to use it in your own school lesson plans."

Interesting Content's insight:

In this tutorial, you'll learn some useful tips about painting a bird nest with acrylic painting. It covers tips such as color selection, brush strokes, and adding detail to acrylic painting. This is a highly recommended tutorial for beginner painters.

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Drawing with Spaces

Drawing with Spaces | Drawing and Painting Tutorials | Scoop.it
When you can identify positive and negative spaces inside a drawing space, you can draw what you see more accurately. This article illustrates the process of drawing objects by identifying and drawing three different types of spaces.
Interesting Content's insight:

This tutorial explains the different ways you can improve your drawings by visualizing positive and negative space. It will train your eyes to see the space an object occupies as well as show you how to see spaces in the real world view, and draw spaces of simple objects.

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